Birds of Note

All Records For Tree Swallow


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Tree Swallow 2003-2004 Dec-Feb Perry one 12/27 during the New Bloomfield CBC (Pam Parson)
Tree Swallow 2004-2005 Dec-Feb Lancaster one on the Southern Lancaster County CBC 12/19; an early bird was seen at Middle Creek WMA 2/6 (Doris McGovern)
Tree Swallow 2005-2006 Dec-Feb Lancaster one was flying around the Route 283/30/Fruitville Pike interchange in Lancaster 1/29 (Tom Johnson)
Tree Swallow 2006-2007 Dec-Feb Chester Two on the West Chester CBC 12/16 (Dave Davis).
Tree Swallow 2008-2009 Dec-Feb Philadelphia one at Northeast Water Pollution Control Plant 12/13 (Frank Windfelder).
Tree Swallow 2009-2010 Dec-Feb Chester one in Doe Run area 2/22 (Kevin Fryberger)
Tree Swallow 2009-2010 Dec-Feb Bucks one at Morrisville Levee (Devich Farbotnik) and 4 at New Hope on 2/22 (Bill Hoehne) established a new early arrival date
Tree Swallow 2009-2010 Dec-Feb Lancaster 6 flying up Susquehanna River at Long Level 2/22 (Drew Weber).
Tree Swallow 2010-2011 Dec-Feb Chester one at Black Rock Sanctuary 1/4 (Lisa Miller)
Tree Swallow 2010-2011 Dec-Feb Erie one at open patch of water at Fry's Landing 1/9-24 (Shannon Thompson, m.ob.).
Tree Swallow 2011-2012 Dec-Feb Bucks 2 near Tullytown provided the first record for the Southern Bucks CBC 12/17 (Don Jones), and 6 arrived at New Hope very early 2/25 (Bill Hoehne)
Tree Swallow 2011-2012 Dec-Feb Crawford 3 at Custards 2/28 (Shawn Collins, eBird).
Tree Swallow 2012-2013 Dec-Feb Lancaster 4 at Lake Clarke, Susquehanna R. 2/16 (Mike Epler)
Tree Swallow 2012-2013 Dec-Feb Philadelphia 8 at Northeast Water Pollution Control Plant 2/18 (Chuck Berthoud, David McNaugton).
Tree Swallow 2013-2014 Dec-Feb Montgomery See Local Notes.
Tree Swallow 2013-2014 Dec-Feb Chester See Local Notes.
Tree Swallow 2013-2014 Dec-Feb Bucks See Local Notes.
Tree Swallow 2013-2014 Dec-Feb Philadelphia One at Northeast Water Pollution Control Plant in Philadelphia from fall through 2/8 (m.ob.), probably the first record of a long-staying, overwintering Tree Swallow in Pennsylvania history.
Tree Swallow 2013-2014 Dec-Feb Lancaster See Local Notes.
Tree Swallow 2013-2014 Dec-Feb York See Local Notes.
Tree Swallow 2013-2014 Dec-Feb Delaware See Local Notes.
Tree Swallow 2015-2016 Dec-Feb Dauphin three at Front St., Harrisburg 2/29 (Deuane Hoffman)
Tree Swallow 2015-2016 Dec-Feb Lancaster 2 at Commons Park along Susquehanna R. 2/26 (Chuck Berthoud)
Tree Swallow 2015-2016 Dec-Feb Philadelphia one at the NE Philadelphia Treatment Plant 12/19-1/9, recorded for the Pennypack Valley CBC 12/19 (Todd Fellenbaum).
Tree Swallow 2018-2019 Dec-Feb Philadelphia one at John Heinz NWR 12/3 (Eric Zawatski), one at NE Water Treatment Plant 12/9-2/23 (Holger Pflicke, m.ob.).
Tree Swallow 2019-2020 Dec-Feb Philadelphia one at NE water treatment plant 2/22 (Holger Pflicke), 2 at John Heinz NWR 2/26 (Geoff Veith).