Birds of Note

All Records For Slaty-backed Gull


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Slaty-backed Gull 2000 Jan-Mar Bucks 1 on 2/28 at Tullytown would be a first state record if accepted by PORC (Devich Farbotnik)
Slaty-backed Gull 2007-2008 Dec-Feb Bucks Found on 12/21 at Tullytown for a first state record, pending acceptance (Tom Johnson, Andy McGann, Devin Bosler, Justin Bosler, doc submitted); presumably the same bird was seen again 12/22, 12/27, and 1/16 (Devich Farbotnik, Ben Coulter).
Slaty-backed Gull 2016-2017 Dec-Feb Erie One at Lake View Landfill and Presque Isle Bay 1/27-2/26 (Jerry McWilliams, m.ob.)
Slaty-backed Gull 2016-2017 Dec-Feb Northampton One at Grand Central Landfill 1/30-31 (Jason Horn, Michael Schall, Corinne Campbell Schall).