Birds of Note All Records For Rufous Hummingbird
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Rufous Hummingbird | 1992 | Oct-Dec | Erie | The adult , first seen 9/27, continues to come to a feeder w. of Edinboro. It has survived to at least Jan 10, 1993. It was discovered by Beverly and Robert Felix at their feeder and was tentatively identified as a Rufous by them. Jim and Jean Stull were called and they confirmed the identity. Beverly and Bob have been able to attract the bird to an enclosed basement entryway, where the bird is protected from the cold. It spends the night and very cold days inside the entryway, where a feeder has been placed containing a recommended mixture to sustain the bird until spring. (ph. Jean Stull) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2003 | Aug-Nov | Erie | An adult female, caught and banded by S. Weidensaul, "late" September through 11/8 Waterford (C. Terrill, m. obs.) 2nd county record |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2003 | Aug-Nov | Carbon | One 10/24 Ashfield (m. obs.) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2003 | Aug-Nov | York | one 10/10-1/23 at feeders in New Freedom |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2003 | Aug-Nov | Lycoming | An adult female, caught and banded by S. Weidensaul, 10/19 through end of period Williamsport (D. Ferry, m. obs.) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2003 | Aug-Nov | York | An immature male/ female 10/10 through November New Freedom. bird was caught and banded |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2003-2004 | Dec-Feb | Allegheny | two from the fall into December at a feeder in Sewickly Heights (Donna Kipp, Chris Knoll) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2003-2004 | Dec-Feb | Bucks | one 10/25-1/9 at feeders in Hilltown Township (Bob Tompkins, Kelly Cern) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2003-2004 | Dec-Feb | Centre | an adult female 12/7-12/27 in Port Matilda (Chuck Widmann) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2003-2004 | Dec-Feb | Dauphin | one that arrived at a Middletown residence in mid-fall, banded 12/16 (Scott Weidensaul, Jan Getgood) remained until 1/10 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2003-2004 | Dec-Feb | Lycoming | one from the beginning of the quarter through 1/14 (Dave Ferry) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2003-2004 | Dec-Feb | Schuylkill | one on 1/3 near Williams Valley High School in Tower City (Scott Weidensaul) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2003-2004 | Dec-Feb | Bucks | An adult female at Bristol was first reported in early Dec but arrived sometime in late Oct or early Nov (Evelyn Schwartz, Bob Mercer) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2004 | Aug-Nov | Franklin | An adult female was present at Waynesboro Area at the end of the report period and banded later by Scott Weidensaul |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2004 | Aug-Nov | Indiana | A female visiting a feeder near Brush Valley since early Nov (Gordon Hollingsworth) was banded 11/16 by Bob Mulvihill and Adrienne Leppold. The bird remained in the Brush Valley yard through the end of the month |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2004 | Aug-Nov | Montgomery | An immature female present in Oaks 10/28-11/4 and banded 10/31 (Matt Bahr, Nick Pulcinella) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2004 | Aug-Nov | Westmoreland | One which unfortunately could not be captured for banding, appeared at a feeder at Powdermill Nature Reserve 10/5-6 (Mike Lanzone) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2004 | Aug-Nov | Berks | An adult female in Henningsville 11/5-18 banded during its stay (Peter Saenger, Scott Weidensaul) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2004 | Aug-Nov | Fayette | An adult female was visiting a feeder in South Connellsville 11/28. The bird was banded by staff from Powdermill 11/30 (Joanna Adams, Adrienne Leppold) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2004-2005 | Dec-Feb | Erie | one adult male from the fall season at East Springfield was last seen 12/14 (Arla Parmarter) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2004-2005 | Dec-Feb | Fayette | one reported and banded last season continued to visit a feeder in South Connellsville to 1/17 (Joanna Adams) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2004-2005 | Dec-Feb | Bucks | one ad female present at a Bristol row house from at least early Nov was not reported (Evelyn Schwartz) and identified (Linda Rowan, Mick Jeitner) until early Dec. On 12/11. the bird was caught and banded (Nick Pulcinella). It was last seen 12/19 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2004-2005 | Dec-Feb | Indiana | the female, visiting a feeder near Brush Valley since early Nov was seen again 12/8 (Gordon Hollingsworth) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2005 | Mar-May | Lebanon | a selasphorus hummingbird that appeared to be a female Rufous Hummingbird overwintered from Nov. 2004 thru 4/17 (Eli Blauch, m. obs.) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2005 | Aug-Nov | Armstrong | An adult male visited a feeder near Keystone Reservoir 9/28-10/3 (John Pulliam, Sara Pulliam) a first county record |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2005 | Aug-Nov | Berks | an adult female was in Hamburg late Sep-11/25. It was banded by Scott Weidensaul 11/23 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2005 | Aug-Nov | Bucks | one believed to be an imm female was in Upper Southampton Twp. 11/20-12/7 (Erv Hiller, Nan Lawrence, Devich Farbotnik) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2005 | Aug-Nov | Chester | an adult male in West Grove beginning 10/12 (Molly Daley); an imm female in West Goshen Twp. from 10/30 (Nick and Sharon Pulcinella); and two were reported in Elverson 11/7 with one being banded 11/8 (Carla Trego, Scott Weidensaul ); one bird lingered until 11/18 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2005 | Aug-Nov | Dauphin | one was in South Hanover Twp.10/19 (Jan Getgood, Tom Johnson), was banded 10/20 (Scott Weidensaul) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2005 | Aug-Nov | Montgomery | imm female was present in Narberth 11/21-12/7 and banded 11/23 (William Roache, Nick Pulcinella). |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2005 | Aug-Nov | Venango | one at a feeder 9/23 outside Franklin was a first county record (Nancy Baker) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2005 | Aug-Nov | Fayette | an imm male was in South Connellsville and was banded by staff from Powdermill Nature Reserve 11/9 (Joanna Adams, Adrienne Leppold, Charles Sherwood) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2005 | Aug-Nov | Lebanon | adult female was present in North Lebanon 9/15-12/1 (Liz Zehring) and banded 11/25 (Scott Weidensaul) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2005-2006 | Dec-Feb | Washington | An adult female in mid- or late Oct remained through at least 12/9 at a feeder in McDonald hosted by Ray and Edyie Posel. |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2005-2006 | Dec-Feb | Chester | the imm in West Goshen Twp. from late Oct remained until 12/4 (Nick Pulcinella, Sharon Pulcinella); the adult male in West Grove remianed until 12/12 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2005-2006 | Dec-Feb | Dauphin | one present in South Hanover Twp. since 10/19 was last seen 12/14 (Jan Getgood) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2005-2006 | Dec-Feb | Erie | a selasphorus hummingbird, probably a Rufous, visited a feeder in Albion from November to at least 12/11 (Mike Lipinski) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2005-2006 | Dec-Feb | Beaver | one adult female mid-Oct in Independence Twp. (Rich and Elizabeth Hoge). Eventually, it was banded 11/27 Adrienne Leppold of Powdermill Nature Reserve. It was last reported 12/7 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2005-2006 | Dec-Feb | Bucks | one selasphorus hummingbird, probably a Rufous, at Upper Southampton Twp., previously reported in the fall report was last seen late 12/7 Erv Hiller, Nan Lawrence, Howard Eskin, Devich Farbotnik) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2006 | Aug-Nov | Delaware | The first of two immature females arrived at Dollie Mignona's Middletown feeders on 10/12. About a month later 11/10 a mile away but still in Middletown a second visited Al Guarente's pineapple sage and loved it ignoring attractively placed and well-stock |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2006 | Aug-Nov | Chester | A late-occurring hummingbird was found in Marshallton 10/26 by the Trout family and reported by Dave Kruel. The bird was netted and banded by Nick Pulcinella on 10/31 and positively identified it as a Rufous |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2006 | Aug-Nov | Berks | An adult female banded 11/5 by Scott Weidensaul was at a Green Hills L. feeder 11/5-12/8 (Ken Lebo). |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2006 | Aug-Nov | Allegheny | An adult male visited a feeder in Richland Township where Powdermill staff banded it on 10/26 (Adrienne Leppold). It was last seen 11/24 and provided the third county record |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2006-2007 | Dec-Feb | Washington | One at McDonald was captured and found to have been banded last winter in Mississippi. It remained until 12/19 (Ray and Eydie Posel). |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2006-2007 | Dec-Feb | York | one at Fawn Grove from Sep to the end of the year. |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2006-2007 | Dec-Feb | Berks | A female Selasphorus probably this species present in Bethel Township 11/26-1/18 (Chuck Cravotta) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2006-2007 | Dec-Feb | Montgomery | One in Merion Station 12/8-12/18 (Steve Blank Nick Pulcinella) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2006-2007 | Dec-Feb | Berks | A female visited a feeder in Reinholds until 12/20 (ph. Angela Wright) and was banded 11/12. |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2006-2007 | Dec-Feb | Delaware | Two present in Middletown through 12/3 (Nick Pulcinella Al Guarente) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2007 | Aug-Nov | Delaware | one immature female present in Swarthmore 11/17-22 (David Eberly) was banded. |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2007 | Aug-Nov | Dauphin | An adult female appeared in West Hanover Twp. 10/26 through the end of the season (Peggy and Rick Price) and was banded 10/31. |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2007 | Aug-Nov | Lancaster | one immature female at a home in the northern part of the county was banded 11/9, and amazingly was joined by a second Rufous which was banded the following week (Deb and Jim Tshudy). |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2007 | Aug-Nov | Washington | An adult female originally banded in Diamondhead Mississippi in Jan 2006 and which was recaptured in McDonald in Nov 2007, returned to the same yard this year 10/8-12/6 (Ray and Edyie Posel). another adult female present at a feeder 5 miles away in Burget |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2007-2008 | Dec-Feb | York | One present from the fall until 1/14 at Fawn Grove (Frank Linardi). |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2007-2008 | Dec-Feb | Berks | A female, banded by Scott Weidensaul, present from the fall until 12/20 (Angela Wright) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2007-2008 | Dec-Feb | Dauphin | One present from the fall until 12/3 in West Hanover Township (Peggy and Rick Price) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2007-2008 | Dec-Feb | Lancaster | A fall holdover at a private residence, recorded on the Lititz CBC, 12/30 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2007-2008 | Dec-Feb | Washington | The McDonald bird found in the fall of 2006 and banded in January 2006 in Mississippi, was present this year until 12/6 (Kim Sartori).A second in the county was a female present from the fall in Burgettstown, found dead 1/14 (Patti Briggs) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2008 | Aug-Nov | Tioga | one at a feeder near Pine Creek Gorge 10/18-11/4 was banded during its visit (June and Roy Hill, Wayne Laubscher, Steve Pinkerton). |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2008 | Aug-Nov | Allegheny | an adult male at Crafton appeared in Aug but was not banded until mid-Nov (Sondra and Don Cannon), last seen 12/2 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2008 | Aug-Nov | Clarion | one female present from mid-Oct to 11/18 was banded 11/14 (Bob Mulvihill, Robert Leberman) at a home in Lamartine (Melvin Rhoads), providing a first county record |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2008 | Aug-Nov | Dauphin | one in South Hanover Twp. 10/16-20 (Jan Getgood) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2008 | Aug-Nov | Franklin | one immature male in Bear Valley banded 11/20 remained from early Nov to at least 12/30 (Joan Wagner) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2008 | Aug-Nov | Montgomery | one female at Abington 11/22 (Bert Filemyr, Steve Kacir, m.ob.) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2008-2009 | Dec-Feb | Lancaster | one imm. female banded in East Earl Twp. 10/22 (Scott Weidensaul), and one banded at Ephrata 12/8 (Eric Witmer) was present from 11/21 and may have been different than another seen there 10/24-11/3 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2008-2009 | Dec-Feb | Dauphin | one on Harrisburg CBC 12/20 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2008-2009 | Dec-Feb | Franklin | one in Bear Valley until 2/16 (Joan Wagner, Dale Gearhart) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2008-2009 | Dec-Feb | Perry | A female at Marysville, banded 1/14 (listserv). |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2008-2009 | Dec-Feb | Berks | one imm. male near Plowville 9/16-12/18 (Harold Lebo) was banded 9/27, one imm. female near Eckville 10/10-10/12 (Tom Leckey, Lee Simpson) was banded 10/12, and one adult female at Hamburg from late Sep to mid-Dec was banded 12/8 (no observer cited) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2008-2009 | Dec-Feb | Allegheny | one at Crafton from fall until 12/2 (fide Geoff Malosh) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2009 | Aug-Nov | Chester | one imm. female at Avondale 10/18-11/9 was banded 10/30 (Nick Pulcinella, Al Guarente) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2009 | Aug-Nov | Lehigh | one hatch-year female was present at Zionsville from mid-Oct through the season and was banded 11/16 (Scott Weidensaul) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2009 | Aug-Nov | Allegheny | one in Mt. Lebanon continuing from the summer season was reported again 8/14 (fide Rob Protz) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2009 | Jun-Jul | Allegheny | Reported visiting a feeder in Mount Lebanon 7/5-6 and 7/19 (fide Rob Protz). |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2009 | Aug-Nov | Somerset | one adult female at Berlin 9/30-10/11 (Jeff Payne, Chris Payne, Lauretta Payne) was banded during its stay. |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2009-2010 | Dec-Feb | Lancaster | one banded 12/8 in Ephrata (Scott Weidensaul, Eric Witmer) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2009-2010 | Dec-Feb | Lehigh | hatch-year female in Zionsville, present since 11/11, last seen 12/12 (Chris Stamper). |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2009-2010 | Dec-Feb | Adams | one immature at a home in Gettysburg was first seen 11/19 and was banded 12/4 by Sandy Lockerman (no finder listed) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2010 | Aug-Nov | Delaware | one imm. male at a feeder in Swarthmore 10/14-20 (Dave Eberly, banded by Nick Pulcinella). |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2010-2011 | Dec-Feb | Adams | one at Gettysburg from the fall until 12/18 (fide Sandy Lockerman) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2010-2011 | Dec-Feb | Bucks | one of two hummingbirds present near Yardley at feeders from Oct was captured, identified, and banded as an immature female Rufous 12/16, last seen 1/22 feeding through the day (Barbara and Richard Sullivan, Scott Weidensaul) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2010-2011 | Dec-Feb | Montgomery | one at Bryn Mawr 12/3-8 (Nick Pulcinella, Justin Bosler eBird). |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2010-2011 | Dec-Feb | York | one present at South Hanover beginning early Oct (Karla Aramcost) was banded 12/15. |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2011 | Mar-May | Bedford | one at White-tail Wetlands 5/5 (Tom Dick). |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2011 | Aug-Nov | Chester | one at flowers in West Goshen Twp. 10/10-15 (Nick Pulcinella), and one at Devon 11/24 (ph. Joe Flood) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2011 | Aug-Nov | Allegheny | one ad. female in Carnegie 11/1 though the season (Scott Kinzey), banded 11/5, and one ad. female in Squirrel Hill 11/9 through the season (Peter Keyel), banded 11/10 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2011 | Aug-Nov | Dauphin | one imm. female in Highspire 10/1 to the end of the season (Sandy Lockerman), banded 10/2, and another imm. female in South Hanover Twp. 10/13-16 (Jan Getgood, Scott Weidensaul, et al.) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2011 | Aug-Nov | Northampton | an amazing five reports as follows |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2011 | Aug-Nov | Lebanon | one first year male at Grantville 11/11 through the season (Kathy and Tim Becker), banded 11/12 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2011 | Aug-Nov | Lehigh | one first year female near Cedar Creek Park from early Nov (Scott Burnet, Barbara Malt), banded 11/16 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2011-2012 | Dec-Feb | Northampton | See county report |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2011-2012 | Dec-Feb | York | See county report |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2011-2012 | Dec-Feb | Allegheny | See county report |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2011-2012 | Dec-Feb | Chester | See county report |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2011-2012 | Dec-Feb | Lebanon | See county report |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2011-2012 | Dec-Feb | Lehigh | See county report |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2012 | Mar-May | Northampton | the bird that wintered in Walnutport as least seen 3/28 (Dave Wagner). |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2012 | Mar-May | Chester | the bird that wintered in Paoli was last seen 3/9 (Bruce Garrard) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2013 | Aug-Nov | Lycoming | one imm, female at Muncy 10/8-11/24 (Wayne Laubscher), and one adult female at Unityville 10/29-11/25 (Wayne Laubscher) had already been banded 11/3/2012 at Prince Frederick, Maryland |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2013 | Aug-Nov | Lehigh | one adult female at Allentown 11/7 (Barbara Malt) was banded 11/10 and remained through the season, and one adult female was banded in Macungie 11/23 (Bill Wetzel, Scott Weidensaul) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2013 | Mar-May | Chester | a female continued from the winter season in Chadds Ford up to 3/5 (Gale Brewer) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2013 | Aug-Nov | Northampton | one adult female was banded at Nazareth 11/30 (Kathleen Pruznick) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2013 | Aug-Nov | Northumberland | one adult male at Watsontown 8/15 through the season (Kate Hastings) was banded 8/30 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2013 | Aug-Nov | Schuylkill | one at Pine Grove from 11/1 through the season (Sherrie Ney) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2013 | Aug-Nov | Allegheny | one adult male at Carnegie 10/31 (Scott Kinzey) was banded 11/1 and remained into the winter period |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2013 | Aug-Nov | Berks | one adult female banded in Shillington 11/3 (Scott Weidensaul) and one adult female banded in Stony Creek Mills 11/9 (ScottWeidensaul), both stayed into the winter period |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2013 | Aug-Nov | Somerset | one female east of Somerset 9/20-11/27 (Jeff Payne) was banded 9/29 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2013 | Aug-Nov | Wyoming | one female at a property on the county line 11/20 (Joe DeMarco) was banded 11/29. |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2013 | Aug-Nov | Susquehanna | one female at a property on the county line 11/20 (Joe DeMarco) was banded 11/29. |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2013 | Mar-May | Montgomery | a female that wintered in Meadowbrook was last seen 4/13 (Bert Filemyr, W. Brian Henderson, Stephen Kacir), an immature male that wintered in Elkins Park was last seen 3/22 (Paul Driver), and a female that had been wintering was banded in Harleysville 3/1 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2013 | Aug-Nov | Lancaster | one adult male from Sep at Reinholds (Robert and Doris Kopp) was banded 10/29 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2013 | Aug-Nov | Montgomery | one imm. male at Jenkintown 11/9 (Ann Sheedy) was banded 11/25 and remained through the season, one adult female at a Harleysville yard 10/29through the season was captured 11/9 and found to be the same bird that was banded in that same yard 3/1/2013(Scot |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2013 | Aug-Nov | Mercer | one adult male at two different feeders in Jackson Twp. 10/5 into December (Harry Hochstetler, Joseph Hochstetler, Neil Troyer) was banded 10/27 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2013 | Aug-Nov | Centre | one female at Lamont 10/27 (Mary Ziegler, et al.) through the period, banded 11/9 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2013 | Aug-Nov | Cumberland | one adult female returned to the same location for the second consecutive year in Upper Allen Twp. 11/11 through the period (Susan Miller, m.ob.) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2013 | Aug-Nov | Erie | one adult female in Edinboro from early Oct through the period (Suzanne Winterberger) was banded 10/24 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2013 | Aug-Nov | Franklin | one imm. female 10/31 near the Blue Mountain Interchange of the Pennsylvania Turnpike (Kathy Lauver) was banded 11/3, and one adult male at Greencastle 11/18 was banded 11/22 (Sandy Lockerman) and last seen 11/24 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2014 | Aug-Nov | Lancaster | one juv. male at Akron 11/15-21 (Bruce Carl, Larry Bernhardt, Zachary Millen) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2014 | Aug-Nov | Mercer | one adult female at North Vernon Rd. from early Oct to 11/19 (Rosie Yoder, Neil Troyer) was banded 11/15 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2014 | Aug-Nov | Montgomery | one imm. male identified by photo (Scott Weidensaul) at a Montgomeryville residence 9/30-10/28 (Robert and Claudine Kutler). |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2014 | Aug-Nov | Chester | one juv. female in Landenberg throughout November (Gail Bush) was banded |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2014 | Aug-Nov | Erie | one adult female at Albion 9/28-10/30 (Mike and Wendy Lipinsky) was banded |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2014-2015 | Dec-Feb | Chester | one from fall continued to 12/20 at Landenberg (Gail Bush) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2014-2015 | Dec-Feb | Allegheny | a probable adult female was trapped inside the Phipps Conservatory 12/27-1/19 (Hanna Floyd, m.ob.) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2014-2015 | Dec-Feb | Erie | one from fall continued to 12/17 in Albion (Mike Lipinski). |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2015 | Aug-Nov | Lehigh | female at Best Station 10/16-21 (John Good) was banded 10/20 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2015 | Aug-Nov | Luzerne | adult male in a yard in Mountaintop 8/1 was photographed but not captured (Bernice Ziniewicz) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2015 | Aug-Nov | Lancaster | adult female at Quarryville 10/15-11/30 (fide Scott Weidensaul) was banded 11/25 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2015 | Aug-Nov | Chester | adult male at Elverson 11/12-17 (Ruth Cook) was banded 11/13 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2015 | Aug-Nov | Dauphin | adult female at Lykens from Nov to at least 11/27 (Ethel Sherman) was banded 11/20 (Scott Weidensaul, listserv) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2015 | Aug-Nov | Jefferson | first year male at Moore Bridge Rd. north of Brookville 8/2-11/8 (Vicky McGinnis) was banded 10/17 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2015 | Aug-Nov | Montgomery | one first year female at Willow Grove 11/22 to at least 11/30 (observer undisclosed) was banded 11/30 (Sandy Lockerman). |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2015 | Aug-Nov | Adams | adult female at Mountain Rd. 10/4 and into January (Ralph and Deb Siefken) was banded 10/15 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2015-2016 | Dec-Feb | Lancaster | one from the previous season continued at a Quarryville home 12/3-4 (Randy Kimmet, Ted Nichols II) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2015-2016 | Dec-Feb | Dauphin | a female, first banded 11/20/2015 on private property in Lykens (Scott Weidensaul, Gary Lockerman, Sandy Lockerman), was reported through 12/13 (m.ob.) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2015-2016 | Dec-Feb | Adams | the prior period's adult female was at the Siefken residence on Mountain Rd. until 1/20 (m.ob.) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2015-2016 | Dec-Feb | Montgomery | the imm. female banded in Willow Grove 11/30 (Sandy Lockerman) continued visiting the anonymous homeowners' feeder until 12/12. |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2016 | Aug-Nov | Berks | imm. male in Knauers from at least 11/11 through season (Mike Slater,Georgia Garbini), banded 11/11 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2016 | Aug-Nov | Lycoming | adult female near SGL 252 from 10/26 to end of the season, banded 11/25 (WayneLaubscher) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2016 | Aug-Nov | Allegheny | adult female at Brookline 11/23through the season (Diane Walkowski), banded 11/29 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2016 | Aug-Nov | Lancaster | adult female returned to a Quarryville residence 10/8-11/30 for thesecond year in a row (Terri and Doug Elvey, Scott Weidensaul,m.ob.) and imm. male at a yard in Stevens 10/5-22 (Ruth Witmer),banded 10/12 (Sandy Lockerman) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2016 | Aug-Nov | Delaware | one in Newtown Square 11/13 was photographed (Al Guarente) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2016 | Aug-Nov | Schuylkill | one at Orwigsburg for much of the fall, banded 12/2 (Scott Weidensaul) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2016 | Aug-Nov | Union | one in Lewisburg identified by photo 10/26 (Steve andCyndi Routledge, eBird) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2016 | Aug-Nov | York | one in Dover Twp., banded 11/5(Gary and Sandy Lockerman), stayed into winter. |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2016 | Aug-Nov | Northumberland | adult female near Seven Points, banded 11/27 (Sandy Lockerman, eBird) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2016-2017 | Dec-Feb | Allegheny | One at Brookline from fall through 12/11 (Diane Walkowski) and one in Mt Lebanon 12/10 (Shannon Thompson) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2016-2017 | Dec-Feb | Berks | One outside Adamstown from fall through 12/25 (Mike Slater), one in Bernville from fall through 12/10 (fide Scott Weidensaul) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2016-2017 | Dec-Feb | Lancaster | One in Denver 1/2-2/25 (Zach Millen) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2016-2017 | Dec-Feb | Lycoming | One near Elimsport from fall through12/27 (David, Brown, Bobby Brown, Bob Brown, Deb Brown, ph) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2016-2017 | Dec-Feb | Montgomery | A probable bird in Bryn Mawr through period (fide Peter Burns) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2016-2017 | Dec-Feb | York | One in Dover Twp. from fall until 1/8 (Sandy Lockerman). |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2017 | Aug-Nov | Crawford | one seen on West Vernon Rd. 10/6 (Ron Leberman) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2017 | Aug-Nov | Lancaster | one adult female returned to Quarryville 8/14 for the third year in a row (fide Scott Weidensaul) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2017 | Aug-Nov | Lehigh | one adult male near Slatington 11/9 (John Good) was banded 11/10 (Sandy Lockerman) and remained into the winter season |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2017 | Aug-Nov | Montgomery | one imm. female near Collegeville 10/24-11/4 was banded 11/4 (SandyLockerman). |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2017 | Mar-May | Lancaster | the bird that wintered in Denver was last seen 3/3 (Evan Houston) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2017 | Mar-May | Montgomery | a probable bird that wintered in Bryn Mawr was last seen 4/8 (observer not listed), notbanded and consequently not identified positively as a Rufous. |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2017-2018 | Dec-Feb | Lancaster | one at Columbia 12/2-20 (fide Sandy Lockerman). |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2018 | Aug-Nov | Allegheny | one imm. male at Brentwood 11/1-3 (Donna Foyle) was banded |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2018 | Aug-Nov | Montgomery | one immature female in Lansdale 10/11-25 (Rebecca Wilson) was banded 10/22 (Sandy Lockerman) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2018 | Aug-Nov | Carbon | one imm. male at residence near Beltzville SP was banded 11/19 (Scott Weidensaul) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2018 | Aug-Nov | Lancaster | one adult female banded at residence in Mount Joy 11/11 (Sandy Lockerman) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2018 | Aug-Nov | Northampton | two different females banded at undisclosed locations 11/9 (Sandy Lockerman). |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2019 | Aug-Nov | Allegheny | one female in Monroeville from early October to 11/29 was banded 11/21 (Bob Mulvihill) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2019 | Aug-Nov | Berks | one imm. female in Exeter Township 10/14-11/30 was banded (Sandy Lockerman), and one imm. female in Wyomissing 11/10-12 was also banded (Sandy Lockerman) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2019 | Aug-Nov | Bucks | one imm. female in Yardley 11/2-26 (Susan Harrison) was banded, and one imm. female at Doylestown from 10/6 through the period (ph. Wayne Lattuca, Karen Lattuca) was also banded |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2019 | Aug-Nov | Lackawanna | one imm. male near Jermyn in Scott Twp. from October was banded 11/2 (Sandy Lockerman) and its departure date was unknown |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2019 | Aug-Nov | Somerset | one from late July near Berlin remained to 8/1, then seen again 9/16-26 (John and Elaine Landis). |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2019 | Jun-Jul | Somerset | adult female found near Berlin 7/23, was captured, measured, and banded 7/29 by Bob Mulvihill and stayed until 8/1 (John & Elaine Landis). |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2019-2020 | Dec-Feb | Berks | one continuing in Exeter Twp. until 12/24 (Lois Vedock) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2019-2020 | Dec-Feb | Allegheny | one at Overlook Park, Monroeville 12/2 (James Hausman III&IV) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2019-2020 | Dec-Feb | Bucks | one continued in Plumstead Twp until 12/18 (Wayne Lattuca). |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2020 | Aug-Nov | Allegheny | one adult male briefly in a Hampton Twp. yard 1124 (Liz Spence) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2020 | Aug-Nov | Berks | one male in Exeter Twp. was banded 11/11 (Sandy Lockerman), and one in Boyertown 10/17-11/27 (Ron Wagner) was not captured and banded |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2020 | Jun-Jul | Berks | a glittering adult male took over a feeder at Knauers 7/29 (Mike Slater), last seen 5:30 p.m. 7/31 after banding. |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2020 | Aug-Nov | Franklin | one adult female at a feeder near Scotland 10/9 remained through the season (Kathy Lauver) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2020 | Aug-Nov | Lancaster | one immature female at Quarryville beginning 11/4 was banded (Sandy Lockerman), and one adult male in Pequea beginning mid-Oct was not banded (Sandy Lockerman) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2020 | Aug-Nov | Lycoming | one at a feeder near Salladasburg 9/25 (Bobby Brown, Deb Brown, Bob Brown) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2020 | Aug-Nov | Northampton | one at a feeder in Bethlehem 10/30 (Jason Horn, Matt Sabatine) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2020 | Aug-Nov | Schuylkill | one at a private residence 8/15-19 (Rich Rieger) was banded |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2020 | Aug-Nov | Somerset | one previously banded female at Berlin 9/30 (ph. Kevin Chumpitaz Trujillo), but it eluded recapture, and one not previously banded female at a residence a few miles away 9/30 (Jeff Payne) was banded 10/5 and was later recaptured in Delaware (state) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2020 | Aug-Nov | York | one immature male at Seven Valleys 10/10-12/4 was banded (Sandy and Gary Lockerman) and another immature male at York New Salem 10/5-11/30 was banded (Sandy and Gary Lockerman). |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2020 | Aug-Nov | Clearfield | one male at DuBois 9/26-11/30 (Don Nixon) was banded |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2020-2021 | Dec-Feb | Berks | 3 continued from fall, immature male in Exeter Twp to 12/13 (Lois Vedock), adult male near Boyertown to 1/7 (Cathy Moyer, Mike Moyer), and adult female near Boyertown that stayed through the period (Ron Wagner, Karen Wagner) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2020-2021 | Dec-Feb | Clearfield | one in Dubois continued from fall to 12/10 (Don Nixon, Mary Kay Long) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2020-2021 | Dec-Feb | Franklin | female near Scotland continued from fall through the period (Kathy Lauver) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2020-2021 | Dec-Feb | Lancaster | 2 continued from fall, with male to 12/10 and juvenile female to 12/26 (fide Sandy Lockerman) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2020-2021 | Dec-Feb | York | hatch-year male at Seven Valleys continued from fall to 12/9 (Janice Thoman). |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2021 | Jun-Jul | Cambria | adult male documented at feeder in Johnstown since around Memorial Day, continued at least to mid-August (Tina Alianiello, ph). |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2021 | Mar-May | Berks | overwintering bird in Boyertown last seen 4/8 (Ron Wagner). |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2021 | Aug-Nov | Cambria | one continued from summer at feeder in Johnstown to mid-Oct (fide Tina Alianiello) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2021 | Aug-Nov | Chester | one in Pottstown 11/9 was banded 11/14 (fide Rick Robinson) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2021 | Aug-Nov | Juniata | one at feeder in Richfield (Norann Kauffman) was present from late Oct through Nov, banded 11/10 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2021 | Aug-Nov | Northampton | one banded at Easton 11/28 (Sandy Lockerman). |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2021-2022 | Dec-Feb | Chester | a female continued in Pottstown until 1/9 and another female was in Paoli 1/9-22 and banded there (Sandy Lockerman) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2021-2022 | Dec-Feb | Juniata | one at Richfield continued until mid-Jan (Norann Kauffman). |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2022 | Aug-Nov | Berks | one adult female was banded at Fleetwood 11/16 (Sandy Lockerman) and remained to 11/20 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2022 | Aug-Nov | Centre | one adult female in Boalsburg 10/16-22 (Tom Pluto, Roana Fuller, Constanza Ehrenhaus) was not banded but several excellent photographs of the tail indicated a very strong likelihood for Rufous |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2022 | Aug-Nov | Chester | one adult female in Coatesville 9/21-11/12 was banded 10/24 (fide Sandy Lockerman) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2022 | Aug-Nov | Clinton | one adult female at Eastville from 10/12 through the period (fide Wayne Laubscher) was banded 10/18 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2022 | Aug-Nov | Dauphin | one adult female banded in Halifax 10/12 (Gary Lockerman, Sandy Lockerman, Gail Randall, Tom Randall) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2022 | Aug-Nov | Franklin | one adult female at Upper Strasburg was seen periodically from the second week of Oct (Tim Smith) to 12/7 and was banded 11/29 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2022 | Aug-Nov | Indiana | one adult female at Seward 9/25 (Greg Tomb) remained through the season and was banded 12/2 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2022 | Aug-Nov | Lehigh | one immature female in New Tripoli 9/27-10/20 (Dan Altif) was banded 10/1 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2022 | Aug-Nov | Snyder | one adult female at an undisclosed location from late Oct through the season was banded 11/26 (Sandy Lockerman) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2022 | Aug-Nov | York | one immature female in Dillsburg 10/2-11/16 was banded 11/6 (Sandy Lockerman). |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2022-2023 | Dec-Feb | Franklin | a continuing female previously banded was last seen on 12/7 (Tim Smith) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2022-2023 | Dec-Feb | Indiana | a continuing bird previously banded was last seen 12/21 (Greg Tomb), |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2022-2023 | Dec-Feb | Snyder | a continuing bird previously banded was last seen on the cold weekend of 12/23. |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2023 | Aug-Nov | Bucks | one adult female at Riegelsville 11/8-19 was banded 11/15 (Sandy Lockerman) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2023 | Aug-Nov | Centre | one female in Spring Mills 10/5-18 (Debra Rittelmann) was captured 10/6 and found to have already been banded in Sicklerville, New Jersey 11/25/2022 |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2023 | Aug-Nov | Delaware | one at a residence near Springton Middle School 10/20-24 (fide Sandy Lockerman) was not banded |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2023 | Aug-Nov | Erie | one adult female in Erie 11/20 to at least 11/30 (Julie Holland) was banded 11/30. |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2023-2024 | Nov-Feb | Erie | an adult female continued at an Erie residence until 12/8 (Julie Holland) |
Rufous Hummingbird | 2023-2024 | Nov-Feb | Northampton | a brightly-colored bird continued at a residence near Jacksonville (Rober Fink). |