Birds of Note

All Records For Prairie Warbler


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Prairie Warbler 1993 Oct-Dec York 1 at Wrightsville 10/8 was late (Jack & Lil Downs)
Prairie Warbler 1993 Oct-Dec Allegheny 1 at Harrison Hills Park 10/3 (P. Hess)
Prairie Warbler 1994 Oct-Dec Bedford 3 on 10/2 at Beldon (Clyde & Rosie McGinnett)
Prairie Warbler 1994 Oct-Dec Montour 1 on 10/11 at Montour Preserve (Christine Smull)
Prairie Warbler 1994 Oct-Dec Bucks 1 on 10/16 at Kintnersville (Bob Friedermann)
Prairie Warbler 1994 Jan-Mar Wyoming 1 on 12/18 at Mehoopany was very late (Rick & Dave Koval, Eric Smull)
Prairie Warbler 1995 Oct-Dec Centre 1 on 10/1 at Scotia Barrens was late (John & Becky Peplinski)
Prairie Warbler 1995 Oct-Dec Westmoreland Present up to 10/1 at Powdermill Nature Reserve (Bob Leberman, Bob Mulvihill)
Prairie Warbler 1995 Oct-Dec Columbia Present up to 10/8 at Rhorsburg (Doug Gross)
Prairie Warbler 1996 Oct-Dec Bucks present up to 10/6 at Peace Valley Co. Park (August Mirabella)
Prairie Warbler 1996 Oct-Dec Columbia present up to 10/21 at Jonestown (Scott Killam)
Prairie Warbler 1998 Jan-Mar Montgomery 1 on 3/30 at Evansburg SP (Scott McConnell)
Prairie Warbler 2000 Oct-Dec Venango 1 on 10/1
Prairie Warbler 2000 Oct-Dec Tioga 1 on 10/27 at Lawrenceville (Joanna Stickler)
Prairie Warbler 2000 Jan-Mar Philadelphia 1 on 1/8 (Kate Sommerville)
Prairie Warbler 2019-2020 Dec-Feb Delaware one at Commodore Barry Bridge 1/3-15 (Al Guarente, m.ob.)
Prairie Warbler 2019-2020 Dec-Feb Philadelphia one at Pennypack on the Delaware 1/11 (Peter Kurz)
Prairie Warbler 2019-2020 Dec-Feb Westmoreland 2 at a feeder near Latrobe Reservoir 1/5 (Steven Lautman, Lauren Schneider).