Birds of Note

All Records For Pacific-slope Flycatcher


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Pacific-slope Flycatcher 1990 Dec-Feb Lancaster One was photographed and songs and calls recorded 12/16-26/1990 in E. Drumore Twp, Lancaster
Pacific-slope Flycatcher 1991 Dec-Feb Lancaster 12/15-16/1991 in Fulton Twp, Lancaster
Pacific-slope Flycatcher 2001 Jan-Mar Lancaster 1 on 12/16 + at Fishing Creek (Barry Blust, Bob Schtusky, m obs) (no desc)
Pacific-slope Flycatcher 2012 Aug-Nov Cumberland one at SGL 230 from 11/18-25 (Ramsay Koury, doc submitted).
Pacific-slope Flycatcher 2015-2016 Dec-Feb Berks a "Western" type flycatcher thought to be this species found near Red Bridge at Berks Heritage Center 12/20 (Russ Hoffman) during the Reading CBC, continued to 1/5 (m.ob.).