Birds of Note

All Records For Lazuli Bunting


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Lazuli Bunting 1975 Dec-Feb Chester 1/1-3/16/1975 near Elverson, Chester
Lazuli Bunting 2004 Mar-May Juniata a male in Oakland Mills 27-29 April (Aden Troyer et al). A second state record
Lazuli Bunting 2007 Mar-May Montgomery One in Red Hill 3/4 - 4/10 (George A. Franchois, m.ob.). This long staying and well documented individual provided the first county record and the third record for PA.
Lazuli Bunting 2009 Dec-Feb Columbia One on 1/29 top 2/8 at Catawissa (John Slotterback, et al.)
Lazuli Bunting 2022-2023 Dec-Feb Philadelphia a female at Pennypack on the Delaware 12/17-19 (Patrick McGill, Tanya Burnett, Martin Dellwo, m.ob., doc submitted).