Birds of Note

All Records For Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull


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Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 1993 Jan-Mar Erie 1 on 12/26 and 1/1 at Presque Isle (J. McWilliams)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 1994 Jan-Mar Erie 1 on 12/30 at Presque Isle SP (Jerry McWilliams)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 1995 Jan-Mar Erie 1 on 2/2-4 and another 3/10 in Presque Isle Bay from the Erie side (Jerry McWilliams)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 1995 Apr-Jun Erie 1 on 4/8 and 1 on 4/9 at Presque Isle SP (Jerry McWilliams)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 1996 Jan-Mar Erie 1 on 3/28 at Presque Isle SP (Jerry McWilliams)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 1996 Apr-Jun Montgomery 1 on 4/3 at Green Lane Res. (Gary Freed, Jason Horn, Arlene Koch)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 1997 Jan-Mar Lebanon 1 on 12/24-26 at Memorial L. SP (Randy Miller)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 1997 Oct-Dec Erie 1 on 10/31 at Presque Isle SP (Jerry McWilliams)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 1998 Jan-Mar Erie Several present up to 2/13 at Presque Isle SP (Jerry McWilliams)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 1998 Jan-Mar Lebanon 1 on 1/2-18 at Memorial Lake SP was a 1st county record (Deuane Hoffman, Jonathon Heller, Randy Miller)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 1998 Oct-Dec Armstrong 1 on 10/25 at McVille (Mark McConaughy)(no details)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 1999 Apr-Jun Erie 1 on 4/5-9 at Presque Isle SP (Greg Cook, Nathan Hall)(no details)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 1999 Apr-Jun Clarion 1 on 4/17-23 near Kahle Lake was a 1st county record (Russ States, Jerry Stanley, Kathie Goodblood)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 1999 Jan-Mar Erie 1 in alternate definitive plumage on 2/4 and 2/28 and 1 in basic 1 plumage on 2/13 at Presque Isle SP (Jerry McWilliams)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2000 Jan-Mar Bucks 1 on 2/14 at Tullytown (Jason Horn)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2000 Jan-Mar Bucks 1 on 12/15 at Tullytown (George Armisted, Marshall Iliff)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2000 Jan-Mar Erie 1 on 3/30 at Presque Isle (Jerry McWilliams)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2001 Jan-Mar Bucks 1 first year bird from 1/1-3/3 at Tullytown (v. obs.); 1 adult on 1/13-3/24 at Tullytown (v. obs.) with a second adult on 1/13 (no descriptions); 1 first year on 3/31 at Nockamixon State Park (Bill Etter)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2001 Oct-Dec Bucks 1 on 11/10 at Tulleytown (Matt Sharp); 2 on 11/13 at Tulleytown (Richard Crossley, Evan Obercian)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2001 Apr-Jun Bucks 1 on 4/14 at Tullytown (Matt Sharp)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2001 Jan-Mar Erie 1 on 3/4 at the mouth of the channel of Presque Isle Bay (Jerry McWilliams)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2001 Jan-Mar Chester 1 at Struble Lake in late February/early March (Larry Lewis, Grier Saunders) (no details)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2002 Jan-Mar Bucks 1 on 2/23 at Tullytown (M. Sharp); 1 2nd-year bird on 3/6 at Tullytown (B. Etter); One 1st-year bird on 3/3 at Peace Valley Park (D. Farbotnik); One 2nd-year bird on 3/19 at Nockamixon State Park
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2002-2003 Dec-Feb Bucks 4 on 12/1 at the Penn-Warner Tract and 4 on 1/25 at Tullytown (Matt Sharp)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2003 Mar-May Erie 1 on 3/8 at Presque Isle State Park (Jerry McWilliams)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2003 Mar-May Bucks 1 on 3/29 at the Tullytown Dump (Matt Sharp)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2003-2004 Dec-Feb Erie at least five birds 1/8-24 at Presque Isle SP (Ben Coulter, Jerry McWilliams)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2003-2004 Dec-Feb Northampton one 1/17 at the Chain Dam (Dave DeReamus ). 3rd occurrence in the county
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2004 Mar-May Erie 1 on 3/15 and 3/21 at Presque Isle SP (Jerry McWilliams)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2004-2005 Dec-Feb Erie a total of six were studied throughout the period at Presque Isle SP and the Lake View Landfill (Ben Coulter, Jerry McWilliams)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2004-2005 Dec-Feb Bucks one was reported from the Tullytown area 12/8, 12/16 (Bill Etter); 12/12 (Matt Sharp); 1/6 (Devich Farbotnik); and 1/19 (Sam Stewart)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2005-2006 Dec-Feb Erie four were at Presque Isle SP 1/25-2/21 (Jerry McWilliams)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2006 Mar-May Erie one first winter 4/10 and 4/13 (Jerry McWilliams, Randy Stringer); one adult 4/17 (Ben Coulter, Jerry McWilliams).
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2006-2007 Dec-Feb Lebanon A second winter bird at Memorial Lake 12/14-1/3 (Tom Johnson Jonathan Heller).
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2006-2007 Dec-Feb Allegheny One on 2/10 was a first county record (Dave Wilton)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2006-2007 Dec-Feb Bucks Reported with caution" were three different birds thought to be this species. A first year bird at Tullytown 1/12 (Tom Johnson) one at Nockamixon SP 1/6-12 (Bill Etter) and a "less problematic" adult 1/13 at Penn Warner (Devich Farbotnik)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2006-2007 Dec-Feb Lancaster one first-winter bird was reported at the Conejohela Flats 12/6 (Tom Amico, Bob Schutsky) was a first for that location.
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2007 Mar-May Bucks one adult Thayer's type at Tullytown 3/22 (Tom Johnson Cameron Rutt).
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2007-2008 Dec-Feb Bucks Probable birds at Tulleytown, 12/22, 12/28, 1/19, and at Nockamixon SP, 1/20 (Ross Gallardy, Bill Keim, Devich Farbotnik, Bill Etter).
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2008-2009 Dec-Feb Bucks two first year birds at Penn-Warner Tract on Southern Bucks CBC 12/20 (Devich Farbotnik, Billy Weber, Rick Mellon, no doc.), one first year bird at Falls Twp. Community Park 1/1-4 (Devich Farbotnik, no doc.) and again 1/9 (Tom Johnson, Cameron Rutt, doc.
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2009-2010 Dec-Feb Erie 2 at Lake View Landfill 1/18 (Jerry McWilliams, no doc).
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2009-2010 Dec-Feb Allegheny one first winter bird was well studied and photographed at the Point in Pittsburgh 2/19-3/6 (ph. Geoff Malosh, doc submitted)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2010 Mar-May Allegheny one continued from the winter at the Point in Pittsburgh 3/2-6 (Ben Coulter, Scott Kinzey, Dan Yagusic, Geoff Malosh, Dave Wilton,Shannon Thompson).
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2010-2011 Dec-Feb Bucks first year bird at Falls Township Community Park 12/18 (Devich Farbotnik, Billy Weber)and an adult there 1/18 (Devich Farbotnik) (no doc)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2010-2011 Dec-Feb Erie adult at Sunset Point, Presque Isle SP was a first for the Waterbird Count 12/18 (Jerry McWilliams, no doc), and another adult was observed in Presque Isle Bay 1/8 (Mark Weible, no doc).
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2011 Aug-Nov Philadelphia one at Pleasant Hill Park 11/29 (Frank Windfelder, no doc).
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2011 Aug-Nov Erie one adult at the Lake View Landfill 11/11 (Dave Wilton, Shannon Thompson, no doc)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2011-2012 Dec-Feb Erie the season total was four, all but of which one were adults, in Presque Isle Bay 1/4-2/14 (Jerry McWilliams, Mike Weible, doc submitted for one record)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2011-2012 Dec-Feb York one on the Susquehanna R. at Muddy Creek for the Southern Lancaster CBC 12/18 (Bob Schutsky, Randy Phillips, no doc).
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2011-2012 Dec-Feb Lancaster one on the Susquehanna R. at Muddy Creek for the Southern Lancaster CBC 12/18 (Bob Schutsky, Randy Phillips, no doc).
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2011-2012 Dec-Feb Bucks first winter birds were reported as Thayer's/Iceland at Falls Twp. Park 1/2 (Matt Sabatine) and 2/2 (Tom Johnson), and at Nockamixon State Park 1/25 (Bill Etter) and 2/4 (Matt Sabatine)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2011-2012 Dec-Feb Cumberland an adult at Mud Level Rd. 1/19 (Devin Bosler, Justin Bosler, no doc)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2012 Mar-May Erie one at Presque Isle 3/3 (Ed Kwater, Jerry McWilliams, doc submitted).
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2012-2013 Dec-Feb Erie up to three at Presque Isle SP 12/22-1/18 (ph. Geoff Malosh, ph. Alex Lamoreaux, Dave Wilton, Shannon Thompson, Jerry McWilliams, doc submitted)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2012-2013 Dec-Feb Northampton one at Grand Central Landfill, Pen Argyl 2/14 (Billy Weber, no doc).
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2013 Mar-May Erie one or 2 at Presque Isle State Park 3/16-26 (Mike Weible, Geoff Malosh, Jerry McWilliams, no doc), and likely a third 3/25 (Mike Weible, no doc)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2013 Mar-May Lebanon one at Lion's Lake 3/7 (Dave McNaughton, no doc).
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2013-2014 Dec-Feb Allegheny up to two adults, the first 1/11 (Geoff Malosh) and the second 2/8-11 (Ben Coulter), and a first winter bird 1/10-2/6 (m.ob.), all at the Pittsburgh Point, providing the third, fourth, and fifth county records (no doc for any)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2013-2014 Dec-Feb Erie 3 reported from the Lake View Landfill 1/29-2/11 (Jerry McWilliams, Jim Flynn, no doc).
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2013-2014 Dec-Feb Bucks one at Penn-Warner Tract during the Southern Bucks CBC 12/14 (Rick Mellon, no doc) and one in the same area 2/2 (Devich Farbotnik, no doc)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2014 Jun-Jul Crawford one first cycle bird at the Espyville Marina 6/8 (Glenn Koppel, eBird) and 6/9 (ph. Scott Kinzey) was seen periodically through 6/14 (m.ob.), it was probably a Thayer's but no photos or exact description of the extended wing or tail was made.
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2014 Mar-May Erie one at Presque Isle State Park 3/8 (Mike Weible, no doc) and one at the Lakeview Landfill 3/16 (Jerry McWilliams, no doc).
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2014-2015 Dec-Feb Erie at least 5 individuals at Presque Isle and the Lakeview Landfill(Jerry McWilliams, Shannon Thompson, Don Snyder)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2014-2015 Dec-Feb Lebanon singles at Lion's Lake on three dates 12/19-31(Tim Becker, Kathy Becker, Andy Keister).
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2014-2015 Dec-Feb Allegheny one first cycle at the Pittsburgh Point 1/28-31 (Ben Coulter, Geoff Malosh, m.ob.), and anadult at the Point 2/17 (Ben Coulter) and 2/20 (Geoff Malosh, Shannon Thompson, Dave Wilton)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2015 Mar-May Erie up to 3 at Presque Isle State Park 3/15-18 (Jerry McWilliams), no doc.
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2015-2016 Dec-Feb Northampton a second-cycle bird at Grand Central Landfill 1/26-30 (Billy Weber, Matt Sabatine, Bill Etter)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2015-2016 Dec-Feb Bucks a second-cycle bird at Falls Twp. Community Park 12/19 (Tom Johnson, Mellissa Roach, George Armistead, Michael O'Brien). Adult at Nockamixon S.P. 2/3 was believed to be this species (Devich Farbotnik)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2015-2016 Dec-Feb Erie one at Lake View Landfill 1/25-2/2 (Jerry McWilliams)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2015-2016 Dec-Feb Philadelphia one at Navy Yard 1/9 (George Armistead, Ann Reeves, Rich Horwitz).
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2016-2017 Dec-Feb Northampton Up to 2 at Grand Central Landfill 1/20-31 (Jason Horn, Bill Etter, Michael Schall).
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2016-2017 Dec-Feb Chester One at SE Chester County Refuse Authority 1/21 (m.ob.) Erie
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2016-2017 Dec-Feb Bucks One at Penn-Warner Tract 12/17 and 2/5 (Devich Farbotnik)
Iceland 'Thayer's' Gull 2017 Mar-May Erie one at Presque Isle SP 4/5 (Jerry McWilliams, no doc).