Birds of Note

All Records For Common Ground-Dove


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Common Ground-Dove 1955 Aug-Nov Lancaster One on 8/15/1955 after Hurricane Connie on the Conejohela Flats, Washington Boro
Common Ground-Dove 1974-1975 Dec-Feb Bucks One from 12/14/74 to 4/28/1975 at Cardell's Corners, Bucks
Common Ground-Dove 1986 Aug-Nov Erie One on 10/19/1986 at Presque Isle State Park
Common Ground-Dove 2000 Oct-Dec Clarion 1 on 8/30 at Middle Run was a 1st county record (John Fedak)
Common Ground-Dove 2000 Oct-Dec Juniata 1 on 9/6 at Mifflintown (no desc.) (Aden Troyer)