Birds of Note

All Records For Brown Booby


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Brown Booby 2015 Aug-Nov Bucks one adult female at the Penn-Warner Tract 11/14-17 (ph. Devich Farbotnik, doc submitted) would represent the first record for Pennsylvania if accepted.
Brown Booby 2018 Jun-Jul Philadelphia one photographed on airport ramp tower for several of hours by anonymous observer 7/23.
Brown Booby 2019 Jun-Jul Northumberland found and photographed 7/6 on Susquehanna River near Isle of Que (Jeannette Wanner), reported by Chad Kaufmann (eBird).
Brown Booby 2019 Mar-May Delaware one at Ft. Mifflin on Delaware River 5/6 (Rob Fergus, no doc), third state record.
Brown Booby 2020 Aug-Nov Bucks one along the Delaware River at Bensalem Twp. 8/2 (ph. Devich Farbotnik, doc submitted)
Brown Booby 2020 Aug-Nov Philadelphia one along the Delaware River 8/21 (Liam Hart) and 8/22 (Liam Hart, Patrick McGill) (doc submitted).
Brown Booby 2020 Jun-Jul Bucks well-photographed at close range from boat at Penn-Warner Tract 6/13 (Steven Throne, ph., doc.).
Brown Booby 2021 Mar-May Philadelphia adult flew upriver at Navy Yard 5/3 (Liam Hart), doc submitted.
Brown Booby 2021 Jun-Jul Delaware seen 7/9 at Delaware River/Hog Island Rd 7/9 following tropical storm (Jason Horn, Steve Schmit, m.ob., no doc)
Brown Booby 2022 Aug-Nov Bucks one at Peace Valley Park 8/22-25 (Ian Baldock, doc submitted) was seen by well over a hundred birders, and one at Penn-Warner Tract 11/6-7 (Devich Farbotnik, Andrew Harrington, Dawn Denner, doc submitted).
Brown Booby 2023 Mar-May Bucks one at the Penn-Warner Tract 5/17 (Jim Hartley, Devich Farbotnik, Dawn Denner), sixth county record, doc submitted.
Brown Booby 2023 Aug-Nov Bucks one at the Penn-Warner Tract 9/25 following the passage of Hurricane Ophelia (ph. Devich Farbotnik), DOC
Brown Booby 2023 Aug-Nov Delaware two heading upriver past Hog Island 8/30 (Rob Fergus), DOC
Brown Booby 2023 Aug-Nov Franklin one flyover at a pond on Long Lane, St. Thomas Twp 9/14 (ph. Dawn Hannay), DOC
Brown Booby 2023 Aug-Nov Philadelphia one at the Navy Yard 9/24 (Oliver James), DOC.
Brown Booby 2024 Mar-May Bucks one at the Penn-Warner Tract 5/12 (Ross Gallardy), no doc.
Brown Booby 2024 Mar-May Philadelphia one flying up the Delaware R at the Philadelphia Naval Yard 5/15 (Manny Dominguez), doc submitted.
Brown Booby 2024 Jun-Jul Philadelphia a juvenile flew past the Naval Yard 6/17 (m.ob.) and 7/19 (Manny Dominguez, m.ob., doc submitted).