Birds of Note

All Records For American Goshawk


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American Goshawk 2023 Mar-May Bedford one at the Allegheny Front Hawk Watch (date and observer not listed)
American Goshawk 2023 Mar-May Erie one at the Presque Isle Hawk Watch 3/16 (Jerry McWilliams, Don Snyder, Ken Felix), one flew past the Tom Ridge Environmental Center Tower 4/21 (Jason Bojczyk)
American Goshawk 2023 Mar-May Warren two unmated birds in established territories in Allegheny National Forest during the season (Scott Stoleson, Don Watts).
American Goshawk 2023-2024 Nov-Feb Elk an immature in Moshannon SF 12/31 (Brendyn Baptiste)
American Goshawk 2023-2024 Nov-Feb Lehigh one seen 12/15 and 12/29 in Allentown (Grant Stevenson)
American Goshawk 2023-2024 Nov-Feb Potter one at a residence off Baker Hollow Rd 12/2 (Robert Edkin)
American Goshawk 2023-2024 Nov-Feb Schuylkill one at Hawk Mt 12/11 (Bracken Brown).
American Goshawk 2023-2024 Nov-Feb Cameron one at Sinnemahoning SP 1/30 (Justin Waid)
American Goshawk 2023-2024 Nov-Feb Clinton one near Farrandsville 2/7 (Wayne Laubscher)
American Goshawk 2024 Mar-May Erie an immature at the Presque Isle Hawkwatch 3/28 and another 4/28 (Jason Bojczyk)
American Goshawk 2024 Mar-May Lycoming one in the southern part of the county 4/28 (Bobby Brown, Dave Ferry, m.ob.).
American Goshawk 2024 Jun-Jul (locations not disclosed) two active nests were documented in 2024 with an automated recording unit as part of a statewide survey three young reached fledging age (fide, Sean Murphy).