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PA Big Day Details

Date Oct 07, 2006
Number 83
# Seen by All 83
Area State
Time 0530 to 1830


Billy Weber
95 Miles by car, 3 miles by foot. Visiting: Minsi & Echo lakes, Martins Creek PP&L, Green Pond, Monocacy Nature Center, Koch Wildlife Refuge, Little Gap, Graver’s Hill, Bear Swamp. Species of note: Ruffed Grouse (no code submitted), Peregrine Falcon (no code submitted), Sora (S), Dunlin, Great Horned Owl (M), Ruby-throated Hummingbird (L), Cedar Waxwing (M), Lincoln’s Sparrow, Rusty Blackbird, Common Grackle (M). Species seen in notably large numbers (or a notable number of times) included Cooper’s Hawk, Hairy Woodpecker, Eastern Phoebe, Blue Jay, Tree Swallow, Palm Warbler, Swamp Sparrow, Brown-headed Cowbird, and especially Ruby-crowned Kinglet and Yellow- rumped Warbler. A White-crowned Sparrow was evocatively vocal after sunset. Bald Eagle and Common Raven were recorded over the Carbon County line from a hawk lookout, but still counted as October Pennsylvania birds, of course.