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PA Big Day Details

Date May 20, 1978
Number 162
# Seen by All 149
Area State


John Miller 160
Nick Pulcinella 158
Keith Richards
Charlotte Richards 149
Tinicum Refuge Philadelphia airrort. Crum Creek woods, Sycamore Mills, West Chester Reservoir, Marsh Creek State Park, Strublel Lake, Hay Creek, Doe Run, Nottingham Park, Pine Grove Reservoir. Red-breasted Nuthatch, Water Pipit. Evening Grosbeak, White-<:rowned Sparrow (all late). Applying the old 95% rule to this record Big Day would result in an adjusted total of 156, one less than the score of eight days earlier. But an adjustment in this case seems a bit inappropriate when you consider that only Charlotte Richards prevented a 95%-listed-by-all score, and she is, according to Keith Richards, only 12 years old! Any of you 95%-rule advocates care to explain to this 12-year-old how she's breaking the rules?