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PA Big Day Details

Date May 19, 1990
Number 136
# Seen by All 130
Area State


Steve Boyce
Dave DeReamus 136
Brad Silfies 132
Rick Wiltraut 135
A 25 mile radius circle centered on Bethlehem, including Beltzville SP, L. Minsi, Delaware R, Quakertown Swamp. Species of note: Short-billed Dowitcher (R), Yellow-bellied Flycatcher (R), Golden-crowned Kinglet (L), Mourning Warbler (R). This was a local count, taking in only the extreme east-central part of PA. It bettered the local count record by 8 birds. We could have easily topped 140 with a little more luck. Also, never expecting to see Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, we saw three!