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PA Big Day Details

Date May 03, 2012
Number 131
# Seen by All 131
Area Centre
Time 4:00 - 11:59


Steve Brenner
Alex Lamoreaux 129
Mark Mizak 131
MILEAGE 100. Scotia Barrens, Bald Eagle SP, Julian Wetlands, Millbrook Marsh. Species of Note: Red-throated Loon, Bufflehead, Hermit Thrush. Highlights: We decided on a county big day as we neither had enough time or money for a statewide adventure. Also, it would be Mark and I's last day as college students in Centre County, so we decided to go out with a bang. While it was a solid big day for the county at this time of year, the migration on that day was pretty mediocre and we did not turn up any unexpected species. Also, we birded at a pretty relaxed pace compared to usual big day or count efforts, so a stronger effort on a good migration day should be able to yield a far greater number of species in the same area at the same time of year.